Gage County Historical Society and Museum


Monetary Donations

The Society is grateful to its members who support the day to day operations of the Gage County Historical Society. Our Endowment Fund supports the Society today and into the future. Planned gifts provide you, as a donor, with another way to leave a legacy of support for Gage County. There are several ways to create a planned gift such as:

  • will bequest
  • outright gift during your lifetime
  • life insurance designation
  • trust-based contribution
  • gifts of real estate, personal property, and royalties


Memorials are displayed on a screen in the museum entry. For further information, contact the society at 402-228-1679 or email


The Gage County Museum has a museum collection of over 70,000 objects illustrating the history of the county. 

Scope of collections:

  • Personal stories that illustrate life in Gage County
  • Events of historical importance in Gage County
  • Communities and organizations in Gage County
  • Business, agriculture, and industrial development in Gage County


Donate Photographs

The Historical Society maintains an extensive collection of photographs that document the history of Gage County. It is important to continue adding to our collection. If you are unable to donate an original photo, please consider bringing the photo to the Historical Society to scan and add to the collection.


Donate Videos

Video footage that is relevant to the history of Gage County will be accepted into the collection.


Donate Documents

Diaries, letters, certificates, church records, school records, business histories, etc. that pertain to the history of Gage County will be accepted into the collection.


Donate Memories

Oral histories are significant documents that the Historical Society will accept into the collection.


The society may accept materials that originate from outside the county if they relate to the above criteria, and/or are found to have historic significance to the county. We will not under any circumstance accept model railroad collection, coin collection, salt & pepper collection, cookie jar collection, etc. We are not a railroad museum and therefore we will not accept donations of full-scale engines, cabooses, or train cars. For further information, contact the society at 402-228-1679 or email


Gage County Historical Society and Museum
101 North Second Street
Beatrice, NE, 68310
Phone: 402-228-1679 | Map
© Gage County Historical Society and Museum, Wed Mar 12 03:48:23 GMT 2025. All Rights Reserved.